The Challenge:
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020, our employees shared a vast amount of concerning feedback in a survey regarding their overall well-being. Our leadership team wanted to take action based on the data and looked to my team and HR to provide recommendations during the most financially challenging year to date.
The Pitch:
While the HR team focused on organizational changes, my internal communications team focused on themes related to creating a better employee experience. From there, we created a foundational campaign pitch that I presented to the leadership team, which included content such as:
- Virtual Work Environment
- new meeting guidelines
- restructuring our town hall meetings
- recognition campaigns
- changing our communication cadence and develop easy workflows within Slack to be more efficient
- automated reminders to take a break
- implement alternating Half-Day Fridays and No Internal Meeting Days
- engaging middle management more strategically to provide empathy and support
- Mental Health
- creating a one-stop landing page on our intranet with internal and external resources/benefits
- monthly roundtable conversations about well-being
- regular messages around empathy and vulnerability through different forums
- Physical Health
- 9-week Wellness Challenge (a virtual game board)
- a video series, where employees shared how they were taking care of their health
The Rollout:
The leadership team greenlit the extensive campaign, so my team and I hit the ground running. We sought out internal partners to help bring the campaign to life, including hosts for virtual events, volunteers to share how they are staying healthy, and focus group participants. We received an overwhelming amount of support.
The President and I ran focus groups on a monthly basis to better understand eNPS and what was top of mind for employees, and the HR team continued to run the same survey every quarter. For the duration of the year, our business unit held steady with only a slight dip due to external forces that were out of our control (i.e., social injustice, violence, natural disasters, technology issues).
The President and I ran focus groups on a monthly basis to better understand eNPS and what was top of mind for employees, and the HR team continued to run the same survey every quarter. For the duration of the year, our business unit held steady with only a slight dip due to external forces that were out of our control (i.e., social injustice, violence, natural disasters, technology issues).
My Involvement:
I owned this campaign and am happy to share that it was very well taken to. I wrote all of the executive messages, oversaw the creative direction, produced multimedia content, partnered with vendors, and spoke about the project at multiple company-wide meetings. At the end of the fiscal year, the senior leadership team requested that we continue the campaign for another year due to the large positive response.
Sample of Campaign Assets:
- Kick-off message
- Still photo of me presenting an an all hands meeting
- Title sequence of the video series